PE Course Descriptions


  • Movement Concepts: Offense/Defense Strategy, Self-Responsibility, Social Interaction, Group Dynamics
  • Rhythmic Skills: Rhythmic Locomotor/Non-locomotor Movements, Square Dance
  • Manipulative Skills - Level 1: Overhand Throw, Underhand Throw, Backhand Throw, Catching
  • Manipulative Skills - Level 2: Kicking, Dribbling (Hand & Foot), Volleying
  • Manipulative Skills - Level 3: Striking/Throwing with Implement
  • Functional Fitness: Track & Field, Jump Rope, Health-Related Fitness

Course Description at Joli Ann Leichtag:

Our Physical Education Program allows opportunities for students to experience different exercises and activities that give them a well-balanced connection between fitness and health. The goal of this program is to encourage students to explore various methods to ensure lifetime fitness and health.

The Program includes:

  • Cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength endurance, and flexibility
  • Rhythmic locomotor and non-locomotor movement patterns
  • Cooperative games to improve communication and collaboration skills
  • Inclusive activities to allow for students to learn and appreciate leadership opportunities/challenges.

California Elementary PE - Course Descriptions

First Grade

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn through a comprehensive sequentially planned Physical Education program in accordance with the California Physical Education Framework. The emphasis is on moving through space and time. Students will learn to demonstrate the qualities of movement (space, time, force, flow, levels, directions, and pathways) as they perform a variety of fundamental locomotor (running, hopping, skipping, jumping, leading, sliding, galloping) and non-locomotor (bending, twisting, turning, rocking, swaying, balancing, stretching, pushing, and pulling) skills. Students will learn to manipulate objects with purposeful movement (throwing, catching, striking, kicking, bouncing, and rolling). Students will participate in a variety of fitness development exercises. Students will learn playground rules and safety for self and others. Units of instruction include social skills, fitness, movement qualities, and manipulatives.

Second Grade

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn through a comprehensive sequentially planned Physical Education program in accordance with the California Physical Education Framework. The emphasis is on how students move with one another in space. Students will learn to work cooperatively with a partner. They will learn to demonstrate the qualities of movement (space, time, force, flow, levels, directions, and pathways) as they perform a variety of fundamental locomotor (running, hopping, skipping, jumping, leading, sliding, galloping) and non-locomotor (bending, twisting, turning, rocking, swaying, balancing, stretching, pushing, and pulling) skills. Students will learn to manipulate objects with a partner (throwing, catching, striking, kicking, bouncing, and rolling). Students will learn fitness concepts and participate in a variety of fitness development exercises. Students will learn playground rules related to the use of equipment, safety and games. Units of instruction include social skills, fitness, movement education, and manipulatives.

Third Grade

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn through a comprehensive sequentially planned Physical Education program in accordance with the California Physical Education Framework. The emphasis is on how students react and respond to others and perform well-defined combinations of movements. Students will learn to develop patterns and combinations of movements using locomotor and non-locomotor skills. Students will continue to learn to manipulate objects with a partner (throwing, catching, striking, and kicking). Students will learn to analyze their performance in order to learn or improve a movement skill. Students will continue to learn fitness concepts and participate in a variety of fitness development exercises. Students will learn playground rules related to the use of equipment, safety and games. Units of instruction include social skills, fitness, movement education, and manipulatives.

Fourth Grade

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn through a comprehensive sequentially planned Physical Education program in accordance with the California Physical Education Framework. The emphasis is on manipulating objects in and through space. Students will learn to demonstrate the correct techniques for using manipulatives including throwing, catching, striking, kicking, trapping, and dribbling. Students will learn to analyze their performance in order to learn or improve a movement skill. Students will continue to learn fitness concepts, participate in a variety of fitness development exercises, and learn to assess their personal fitness. Working together as part of a group, students will learn to appreciate personal differences and value the rights of others. Units of instruction include playground rules and games; fitness pre- and post-testing; jump rope; throwing, rolling, and catching; striking with hands; striking with implements; striking with feet; new games; parachutes; rhythms and dance.

Fifth Grade

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to learn through a comprehensive sequentially planned Physical Education program in accordance with the California Physical Education Framework. The emphasis is on manipulating objects with accuracy and speed. Students will continue to learn the correct techniques for using manipulatives including throwing, catching, striking, kicking, trapping, and dribbling. Students will continue to learn to analyze their performances in order to learn or improve a movement skill. Students will continue to learn fitness concepts, participate in a variety of fitness development exercises, assess their personal fitness, compare their scores to a health related standard, and set goals for improvement or maintenance. Working in small groups, students will learn to accept personal differences (maturity levels, physical differences, physical abilities, cultures, and gender differences). Units of instruction include playground rules and games; fitness pre- and post-testing; jump rope; throwing, rolling, and catching; striking with hands; striking with implements; striking with feet; new games; parachutes; rhythms, dance, and cultural games.

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