Citizenship Grading Rubric


E=Excellent:  Student always participates at their best ability, they always observe the safety rules and always follows directions, the student is always aware of their classmates and always works together with encouraging words and kind acts.  The student is always safe and takes care of the Physical Education Equipment and School Property.

S=Satisfactory: Student usually participates at their best ability, they usually observe the safety rules and usually follows directions, the student is usually aware of their classmates and usually works together with encouraging words and kind acts.  The student is usually safe and takes care of the Physical Education Equipment and School Property.

N=Needs Improvement: Student at times participates at their best ability, they at times observe the safety rules and at times follows directions, the student at times is aware of their classmates and at times works together with encouraging words and kind acts.  The student at times is safe and takes care of the Physical Education Equipment and School Property.

U=Unsatisfactory: Student rarely participates at their best ability, they rarely observe the safety rules and rarely follows directions, the student rarely is aware of their classmates and rarely works together with encouraging words and kind acts.  The student is rarely safe and takes care of the Physical Education Equipment and School Property.
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