Welcome to Joli Ann Leichtag Library
The library is an awesome place to read, learn, and grow into a leader. All classes will visit each week. Students in 1st grade can check out one book for one week. Students in 2nd grade can check out two books a week and students in 3rd-5th can check out three books for one week. All students are responsible for returning books on time or renewing for another week and taking care of lost or damaged books.
Students can use the computers to search the Destiny catalog to find their favorite books. Students will learn library skills, listen to exciting stories and participate in several contests. See you soon!
The link for the search catalog:
Joli Ann Library
Ms. Jose
Library Media Technician
760-290-2888 ext. 2862
Before School Hours: 8:30 – 8:45 a.m. Monday thru Friday